We can make any project easier with our high quality excavation services!

In order to make your life easier, we have excavation specialists! The first big step for a great construction project is excavation, and there’s nothing better than doing it with a company that’s a reference in the market. Schedule your free estimate right away!

Licensed - Insured & Bonded


Without the adequate tools, training and equipment, excavation can turn into something dangerous. Some people believe they’ll save money if they do it on their own or if they hire contractors that are not specialized in this field, but such thought will only make you waste money and time!

If it’s not a well done service, you’ll probably end up with more expenses in the long term, since it’s very likely that this job will have to be redone by someone who really knows how to do it.


To fortify a foundation

Whether it’s for a new house or building, the first step is digging a big hole on the ground that’s enough to ensure that you have a strong foundation.

To remove unwanted materials

Nothing is as effective as an excavation service to remove materials that are cluttering the structure of your home, or if you’re simply in need of more space.

To install or repair underground pipes

Let's face it, pipes often leak. Those that are located underground require excavation services to reach them so that they can be repaired. You may also need this service to install your new pipes.

To level uneven terrain

Leveling or adding slopes may be necessary for construction projects or drainage improvements. Professional excavation services can give you the right directions to make your property more attractive and efficient.

To clean an environmental contamination

If there’s a leak on your property that could pollute the ground and affect the subsoil of your home and surrounding residences, this must be dealt with immediately, usually using excavation services.

To add a basement

Building a basement is perhaps one of the most complex construction projects. If not done right, it can cause the kind of structural collapse that you should only see in the movies. You need an excavation service company that is qualified, experienced and insured like J&I Construction.

To fortify your property after a disaster

There are several factors that can cause major damage to a property, such as storms, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. Most of these disasters can severely affect the structure of your home, and because of this you may need excavation services to clean up the area as well as minimize any future risks.

When you need excavation services trust those who have been delivering 100% satisfaction for over 17 years

Advantages of hiring our services:


You can trust your project to us, since we’ve been caring for our clients’ projects for over 17 years as if they were our own!

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We offer at your disposal the best construction professionals around in order to guarantee that you will be 100% satisfied, this is why we make sure to use only high quality products and tools.

Clean and Organization

We value organization and cleaning so you don’t have to worry about such details after the job is done.

About us

J&I Construction was born with the mission to offer the best construction services possible to its clients in order to guarantee satisfaction and make dreams come true! Our focus is on quality and satisfaction. We always seek to have a great relationship and communication with our clients so they can see that we’re on their side and we’ll build a new start together! We’ve been on the market for over 17 years striving to serve you always the best!

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